Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Wendy Sachs on Radio

Click on Section Title to Visit the Business Shrink Web Site

It comes as a bit of a surprise to me - I guess because it wasn't my intent to serve the business community with my book but working moms - but I'm finding that companies are excited by HOW SHE REALLY DOES IT. I've been asked to speak to business groups and on business talk radio and have been thrilled by the hunger for ways to make moms' work lifes more fulfilling.

I hope everyone is having an enjoyable - and relaxing, if that's possible - summer. Please check back for more blogs from me!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's wonderful that you are speaking to the business owners and managers. While a lot of women would be happy to stay working if offered flex time or part time, far too many companies refuse to even consider it. And they lose really valuable employees.

I work part-time, but I don't feel like I need to be grateful to my company. They are getting a great deal! They've got a person with 15 years experience who they don't have to pay benefits to who still manages to win awards on my 32 hour a week schedule.

My company also has a sick day care available thru a local hospital. I think it's so wonderful to have because my kids love to go to the fun place with their own room, a play room and the nice ladies (nurses). But again, my company is smart to do this because for $25 I'll gladly take my kids there and go to work instead of calling in sick to give them Motrin all day. Everybody wins!

I wish we could get more managers to see the bottom-line benefits of such family friendly policies.


1:22 PM  

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